
>>Sideshow EMP 2009

Handed in aaaaaalllll of my EMP not so long ago. To be honest, i rather enjoyed doing it, well nice to be free though. Here is part of me proposal....

The physically handicapped, whether conscious to us or not, despite positions on modern politics and science are still victimized within our modern society. Every day they may succumb to people staring at them in the street. Creating a void, alienating them to the rest of the world. Segregating their every chance of leading a ‘normal’ life. It is this void that that is constantly trying to be improved within our contemporary world, however still exists through us being only human. Curiosity of the different is hard to overcome.

Society, especially in the past, has engaged itself in prejudice and deliberate alienation, in turn for public gain. ‘Freak Shows’ are considered ‘freak’ exhibits of nature, they are seen as forms of entertainment and performances that shock paying audiences. Exhibitions of human oddities date back as far as the early 1600s. Victorian and ‘Freak Shows’ of the 1900s – 1950s were abundant forms of family entertainment and associated with carnivals and circuses. They were, in the language of the day, sideshow freaks, oddities of birth that were an attraction for millions who were prepared to pay admission to gaze upon these extraordinary exhibits.

Through modern science and political views and rights, the original ‘Freak Shows’ seem to have nearly disappeared from societies stage, shifting from a highly popular and profitable form of entertainment to a reviled one. Viewed as dehumanizing and cruel within the 21st Century, extra-ordinary and unique human oddity cases are still displayed to the public. It is this rebirth or repackaging of the freak show I wish bring to light.

Through drawing upon Victorian and Sideshow text cases and art work of these times I intend to produce a collection of imagery, that would reconstruct and mimic an original freak show. However I would like the observer to realize my intentions of highlighting the suffering and intense complications of these exhibits, forcing the observer to assess their position with regards to this topic.

Throughout the project I would like to produce a body of work that is thorough in expressing the projects intentions. The presentation of the collected imagery should refer to or even echo the concept and content of the illustrations I have produced. Continuously informing the observer of the conscious or unconscious discriminating segregation.

I also intend to explore the possibilities of varied techniques in producing imagery, for example, etching, photography, laser cutting. All techniques will be noted within in my learning log book/sketchbook. The presentation of the collected imagery should refer to or even echo the concept and content of the illustrations I have produced. Continuously informing the observer of the conscious or unconscious discriminating segregation.

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